Maximizing Functional Capacity

Return to Work Services

Functional Capacity Evaluations
A Functional Capacity Evaluation is a series of standardized objective tests and measures used to determine the activity endurance and functional capabilities of an individual prior to returning to work after injury. Our evaluations are performed by highly specialized, certified physical therapists and are tailored to each individual and his/her professional job duties. FCEs are performed at multiple office locations that are convenient to our patients.
Physical Therapy Evaluation with Manual Therapy Focused Care
FCI’s experienced physical therapists evaluate your mechanism of injury, symptoms, and medical history. Based on these findings, our clinicians develop a treatment plan that includes manual hands-on treatment, as well as personalized exercises to build strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance. FCI emphasizes that manual therapy is designed to reduce pain, decrease muscle tension, and improve joint range of motion.
These benefits in conjunction with a comprehensive exercise program are unparalleled. Our individualized care is designed to return our patients to prior function as well as educate regarding body mechanics and daily postures to minimize future injuries.

Return to Work Services
Job Analysis
FCI identifies the critical job demands needed for each position for an employer within their organization. A highly descriptive and detailed job analysis enables an employer to know if an injured worker can return to full-duty tasks or can help an employer set up light-duty work tasks. A proper job analysis is designed to serve both employer and employee.

Post-Offer Employment Testing
Functional Capacity Institute provides Post-Offer Employment testing (POET) to determine fitness for duty for any job type. Our evaluations are used for new hires or current employees to match the physical capabilities of an employee to their specific job duties. All of our tests are designed to fit current job descriptions or are customized using job analysis to assure an individualized examination.
Work Conditioning
Work Conditioning is a program designed to facilitate return to work for our injured workers in the final stages of their physical therapy rehabilitation. Our comprehensive program consists of cardiovascular exercise, flexibility, strength, and work simulation tasks. It is individualized for each patient based on injury and job description. Our mission is to enable workers to safely return to duty. FCI offers this service at select locations, 3-4 hours per day, 3-5 days per week.

Ergonomic Evaluations and Injury Prevention Programs
Education and prevention are key components of an efficient workplace. These programs are designed to reduce employer costs by reducing the occurrence of work injuries for the employee. Ergonomic Evaluations promote assessment of the workplace with the goal of providing recommendations for a safe and efficient work environment. Injury prevention programs consist of education to promote proper body mechanics and daily postures of a worker throughout the day.